Community Emergency Response Team
- The CERT Program educates citizens about disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact their area and trains them in basic disaster response skills, such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization, and disaster medical operations. Using the training learned in the classroom and during exercises, CERT members can assist others in their neighborhood or workplace following an event when professional responders are not immediately available to help.
CERT members also are encouraged to support emergency response agencies by taking a more active role in emergency preparedness projects in their community. All citizens are encouraged to take the CERT training. There is no requirement to join the active CERT team. Our philosophy is that a trained citizen is a better-prepared citizen.
Links to Registration Surveys
Link to report High Water and road flooding
CERT Academy 2025-1 Crystal Beach in February
CERT Academy 2025-2 Bayside Regional Park in May
Join the CERT Rodeo Team, Orientation: Jan. 18th, Rodeo Feb. 15, 2025
CERT Participation in Galveston County E-Recycling Event, Feb. 22, 2025
CERT Participation in Galveston County Household Hazardous Waste Disposal Event, March 1, 2025
AHA Heart Saver CPR/AED/First Aid class, March 8th in Crystal Beach
Logistics Team training, April 8, 2025
CERT All Members Drill, April 26, 2025 at Fort Travis on Bolivar
AHA Heart Saver CPR/AED/First Aid class on May 13 & 15, 2025
Operation Safe and Sound, Memorial Day Weekend 2025
Use QR Code to register for new Mass Notification System
Use URL Link to register for new Mass Notification System
Join Zello Communications App Group
Not receiving Emails and Newsletters link
Request to join CERT Trailer Team
Request to join CERT Communications Situational Awareness Team (CSAT)
Request to join the CERT Drone Team
Request to join Task Force Dickinson
Request to join CHAT (Ham Radio Team)
Request to join CERT SAR Team
Up Coming Events:
CERT Monthly Meeting is Wednesday, February 5th, starting at 6:30 pm. We will meet at the Pioneer House next to Carbide Park.
If you are not receiving the monthly newsletter or emails from the website, please click on this link and submit your information. Please double check the information for errors before submitting!
All Galveston County CERT members must complete the account setup for the New Mass Notification System through Everbridge. This replaces our Blackboard Connect system. Please use the link below for the QR Code or the URL link to set up your account! You need to do this ASAP!
Set up account using QR Code with mobile phone
Set up account using url link
Here is a link to the Galveston County Emergency Preparedness Guide
Please follow this link to the CERT Member Skills Set and Training Registry! We need you to update us on your current certifications and skills that you are willing to use during times of need in Galveston County. *The above link has been updated and works properly*
Please look in the Documents folder for new accessible documents that may be of value to you as a CERT Member. We have added a copy of the slide show from the monthly meetings. We have added ICS documents to the ICS Forms folder that includes a fillable copy of the 201 and the 214 forms. We have also included the list of important phone numbers that you can download and print and place into your response bag. Keep checking back to see new documents that have been added.
If you witness high water or impassable roads in our community, please send the information to Galveston County CERT via our google docs link so that we can share it with the authorities in that area. Here is the link.
If you think you are ready to take the CERT training but want to know more, start here!
Introduction to Community Emergency Response Teams", IS-317, is an independent study course that serves as an introduction to CERT for those waiting to complete training or as a refresher for current team members. It has six modules with topics that include an Introduction to CERT, Fire Safety, Hazardous Material and Terrorist Incidents, Disaster Medical Operations, and Search and Rescue. It takes between six and eight hours to complete the course. Those who successfully finish it will receive a certificate of completion.
IS-317 can be taken by anyone interested in CERT. However, to become a CERT volunteer, one must complete the classroom training offered by the Galveston County Office of Emergency Management.
Start taking the course |